I was surprised when I got an invitation from Jared Taylor to speak at this year's American Renaissance conference. Amren, as it is commonly called, is an intelligent pro-White organization that links some of the best-known writers and thinkers in the field. Most of the members are, presumably, Christian - some of them very fundamentalist.…
The body of wisdom we call the runes - those mystic symbols and secrets Wotan won while hanging on the World Tree, pierced by the Spear - are important guides not only for our spiritual lives, but for practical matters as well - and this is true not only on the personal level, like advice…
Sometime in the night, my wife got out of bed and turned off the fan.
I crept out of bed a few hours later and, as I made the morning coffee, a cool breeze through the open window confirmed the transition that had taken place. If I needed any more proof of autumn’s first approach,…
A few days ago we celebrated Winter Finding at Odinshof. It was, as always, an inspiring and motivating experience.
Whatever the calendar might say, there is that moment when you realize that summer is fading, and that fall has arrived. Appropriately, the day we were to meet at the Hof I awoke to find that,…
Most of us probably think we’re doing pretty well, spiritually speaking. The typical follower of the Germanic Way has plenty of good qualities - intellectual curiosity, the boldness to take a different path, and, we can suppose, dedication to a tough code of conduct.
Sometimes, being human, we do not live up to the best…
“How shall we live our lives?” The question echoes down the millennia from every human culture and continues to tug at our minds today. Men and women have answered this question in many different ways, sometimes nobly and sometimes less so.
During that episode in the Germanic experience we call the Viking Age, a code…
This article is adapted from "Drop Zone Musings," which I wrote for the Winter 1992 issue of the Asatru Folk Assembly's journal, The Runestone .
"Parachuting should be no big deal, right? After all, the ground is just one step away…
Life is like a parachute jump.
The static line that connects us to the…
This article is adapted from an article published in The Runestone, Fall/Winter 1996. It was written as a comment on the Asatru festival called "Winter Nights," held in mid-to late October.
The Disir are those ancient tribal mothers who have departed this life for the Otherworld. These powerful female ancestors, traditionally led by the Goddess…
A few days ago I wrote about the “Spiritual Battlefield." I described how our spirituality expresses our values, attitudes, and general worldview - and these things in turn shape our political system. To influence politics, then, we can begin with the spiritual. This is one very practical reason why our indigenous, native religion is so…
There are three arenas of conflict that will determine the fate of the European-descended peoples.
The First Battlefield, which I wrote about some days ago, is spirituality: This is where values, customs, and morals shape our society, to include our law and politics. Here, our native religiosity is our best weapon.
The Second Battlefield is…