In my recent article, The Second Battle: Privacy , I said that I would start adding tips for protecting your own information - and thus resisting the surveillance state in which we live. Here are three links to get you started
Fall 2021 New Phone Technology! Significant Privacy Changes?
The privacy situation is…
Sheila and I worked in up to six inches of fresh snow. The landscape was silent… luminous… soft… nurturing to the soul. No internet connection—WONDERFUL! No bold-print headlines—AMAZING! No television—EVEN BETTER! Sanity.
Every now and then we need to remember what the natural world is like. Disconnect. Let Nature nurture us. TURN OFF YOUR PHONE.…
Singularity is a short (six minutes plus) independent video produced by Zachary Denman, an independent film maker located in England. It paints a future in which AI (Artificial Intelligence, for those out of the technology loop) has essentially taken control of the world. Many people—but not all—live fantasy lives, uploaded into the computer, while a…
This video, with lyrics in German and English and with stark movie footage, is a call for Wotan to send his wolves, his Spear, and the Twelve (the twelve principal Germanic deities) to aid the German tribes in their epic battle against the Roman army in the Teutobergerwald. Their victory secured the freedom of the…