The Wall Street Journal recently released an article titled "Americans Pull Back from Values that Once Defined Us," released the results of a poll analyzing the changes in American culture over the last twenty years. Here are the results: Twenty years ago, 70 percent of Americans described themselves as patriots; today that has dropped to…
The body of wisdom we call the runes - those mystic symbols and secrets Wotan won while hanging on the World Tree, pierced by the Spear - are important guides not only for our spiritual lives, but for practical matters as well - and this is true not only on the personal level, like advice…
At the recent Einherjar celebration at Odinshof, I had the honor of participating in a most unusual rite…
The removal of General Robert E. Lee’s statue in Charlottesville a few days ago hit me in the gut. It was one more victory for the “culture vultures” of what has become the Second Reconstruction.
The partisans of the Left won another victory. They want it ALL to go away - no more monuments to…
I am a man who has been blessed. I have stood on the very ground where my family name enters known history - the place where my blood took a name.
The Annals of Ulster record that Fergus, son of Nellan, was killed at Emain Macha in the year 563. I know a little about…
This cause of ours, ultimately, is not about “borders, culture, and language.” Nor is it about this or that piece of legislation. When all the chaff is blown away, what really matters is the bones of our ancestors and the bloodline whose latest expression we are. “Race is the family writ large,” someone once…