In my recent article, The Second Battle: Privacy , I said that I would start adding tips for protecting your own information - and thus resisting the surveillance state in which we live. Here are three links to get you started
Fall 2021 New Phone Technology! Significant Privacy Changes?
The privacy situation is…
Yesterday I posted my article, The Second Battlefield - Privacy. No one know more about privacy, and the about the price for telling the truth of how governments spy on their citizens, than Edward Snowden. Once you realize the extent of the threat, you can start to do something about it. The mistrust of power…
A few days ago I wrote about the “Spiritual Battlefield." I described how our spirituality expresses our values, attitudes, and general worldview - and these things in turn shape our political system. To influence politics, then, we can begin with the spiritual. This is one very practical reason why our indigenous, native religion is so…
Almost all my content is about (1) the modern revival of Native European religion and spirituality, especially that of the Germanic peoples, (2) the well-being, rights, security, and future of White people worldwide, and (3) how those things fit together.
But I also address issues of concern to people of ALL races and religions, for…
I watched a video on You Tube the other day that still has my head spinning. It was titled “5G and AI Everywhere: 2030 Will Be A New World” featuring Glenn Beck interviewing investment consultant Jeff Brown. You can find it with a quick search online.
We are on the brink of…